0131 651 6444/ 07386656710 step@ed.ac.uk

Research & Reports


The following list provides sources of further reading for those wishing more context and information on Gypsy, Roma, Traveller communities and education.  Members of academic institutions will be able to login and access the following papers and chapters through university logins.  Non-members can access the documents through single purchase. 

Clark, C. (2020)

Stay or go? – Roma, Brexit and European freedom of movementScottish Affairs29 (3), 403-418.


Arshad, R., Wrigley, T. and Pratt, L. (2019)

Social Justice re-examined: dilemmas and solutions for the classroom teacher, Trentham Books, London.


Marcus, G. (2019)

Gypsy and Traveller Girls: Silence, Agency and Power, Studies in Childhood and Youth Series, Palgrave Macmillan.


Condon, L., Bedford, H., Ireland, L. et al. (2019)

Engaging Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Communities in Research: Maximizing Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges. Qualitative Health Research, 29(9):1324-1333. 


Sime, D., Fassetta, G & McClung, M. (2018)

‘It’s good enough that our children are accepted’: Roma mothers’ views of children’s education post migration, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 39:3, 316-332.


Clark, C. (2018)

Roma, Gypsy and Traveller experiences of racism in Scotland. In N. Davidson, M. Liinpaa, M. McBridge, & S. Virdee (Eds.), “No Problem Here”: Racism and Scottish Society (pp. 145-161). Luath Press.


Hamilton, P. (2018)

School books or wedding dresses? Examining the cultural dissonance experienced by young Gypsy/Traveller women in secondary education, Gender and Education, 30:7, pp 829-845.


Christian Brüggemann & Eben Friedman (2017)

The Decade of Roma Inclusion: Origins, Actors, and Legacies, European Education, 49:1, 1-9.


Marcus, G. (2016)

Closing the attainment gap: What can schools do? SPICe Briefing SB 16/68.


Marcus, G. (2015)

Marginalisation and the voices of Gypsy/Traveller girls, Cambridge Open-Review Educational Research e-Journal, 1 (2); 55-77.


Sime, D. and R. Fox (2015)

Home abroad: Eastern European children’s family and peer relationships after migration. Childhood, 22(3); 377-393.

D’Arcy, K (2014)

Home education, school, Travellers and educational inclusion, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 35:5, 818-835.

Arshad, R. (2013)

Race Equality in Scottish Education in Scottish Education, Bryce, T. G. K. and W. M. Humes, Fourth Edition, Edinburgh University Press.

Arshad, R. (2012)

Social capital, diversity and inclusion: lessons from one primary school. In Social Capital, Children and Young People: Implications for Practice, Policy and Research, Catts, R. and J. Allan (eds), Policy Press.

Foster, B. and Norton, P. (2012)

Educational Equality for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Children and Young People in the UK, The Equal Rights Review, Vol. 8, pp. 85-112.

Kabachnik P. (2012)

Nomads and mobile places: disentangling place, space and mobility, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 19:2, 210-228,

Pantea, M. (2012) 

From ‘Making a Living’ to ‘Getting Ahead’: Roma Women’s Experiences of Migration, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38:8, 1251-1268

McCluskey, G., Kane, J., Lloyd, G., Stead, J., Riddell, S., and E. Weedon (2011)

‘Teachers are Afraid we are Stealing their Strength’: A Risk Society and Restorative Approaches in School. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59(2); 105.

Munté A., Serradell, O., and T. Sordé (2011)

From research to policy: Roma participation through communicative organization. Qualitative Inquiry, 17; 256–266. 

Clark, C. (2008)

Introduction themed section care or control? Gypsies, Travellers and the state. Social Policy and Society, 7(1); 65-71.

Clark, C. (2001)

Invisible Lives’: The Gypsies and Travellers of Britain. PhD Thesis, Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh.