Every parent and family should be supported to be involved and engaged in their child’s education throughout their learning journey.
Education: Improvement Framework. Scottish Government, 2021
Professional resources
A survey of the educational experiences and views of children and adults from the Gypsy Traveller communities in Scotland
Find out about the recommendations arising from conversations with Gypsy/Traveller community members in recent reserach conducted by STEP and funded by Scottish Government Click Here–PROVIDING FLEXIBLE LEARNING FOR TRAVELLER FAMILIES–
Where to start: Digital Families
The STEP Digital Families Programme supports the use of digital devices to increase educational opportunities for children and family members. We provide digital kit, culturally-relevant resources and support. Find out more and get involved.
PLANNING and documenting LEARNING
The Learning Planner is designed to support short and medium term planning with children and families while in school or when travelling. The Planner accompanies the Digital Families Programme. It is particularly useful for those new to supporting learning.
Personalised and easy to use, our Learning App offers an intuitive, two-way communication between learners and teachers. Use it to plan, share learning and reflect on progress together. The app is free and hosted on a secure server.
Many Gypsy/Travellers do not take up the offer of pre-school education and some do not go to school. STEP Starter Sacks are part of an early learning programme aiming to make connections between families and learning centres.
The Sacks are available to all Gypsy/Traveller families with young children in Scotland. They contain a range of materials and activities to encourage child-centred play at home and involve parents in their children’s learning. To tackle family literacy barriers, the activity cards feature QR codes that link to videos on STEP website. STEP provides the Sacks as well as support for local staff to increase knowledge of barriers to accessing education for Gypsy/Travellers. Please contact STEP to book CPD or online training and visit the programme webpages for more information.