0131 651 6444/ 07386656710 step@ed.ac.uk

STEP Starter Sack Programme (For Teachers)

​STEP Starter Sacks is an early years programme that supports play-based and culturally sustaining learning at home for young children from Gypsy/Traveller communities. Our aim is that every child experiences the best start for going to school and improving opportunities throughout life.


Many Gypsy/Travellers do not take up the offer of early years education. STEP Starter Sacks is an early learning programme aiming to make connections between families and learning centres and improve engagement and participation in education. The Sacks are available to all Gypsy/Traveller families with young children in Scotland.

We promote a culturally sustaining model for early childhood education (ECE) to provide more relevant education expereinces and more equitable access to education for traditionally nomadic communities. The Sacks contain culturally-sustaining activities and resources designed by community members to encourage child-centred play at home and involve parents in their child’s learning. Activity cards with QR codes link to videos on our website ensuring accessible content.  STEP distribute these free Sacks directly to your setting and we will provide free training and support for staff to increase knowledge of barriers to accessing education for Gypsy/Travellers.

Local authority staff should contact STEP for more information or please request you Sacks today using the MS Form.  

Visit the Starter Sack Programme page here.

Read the Teachers’ Guide 

Programme report

Starter Sack request form