0131 651 6444/ 07386656710 step@ed.ac.uk

TENET - The Traveller Education Network (Scotland)

A professional learning community dedicated

to Traveller families and education

TENET members area


TENET (the Scottish Traveller Education Network) is a professional learning community ensuring equitable access to education for all mobile communities, including Gypsy/Travellers, Show families and European Roma.

Members collaborate with each other, communities and STEP in the production of resources, case studies, qualitative research, training and information exchange. STEP hosts a programme of networking and training events for TENET members.

Visit our events calendar on the STEP homepage to see forthcoming events.

Contact STEP to find out more and join TENET.


TENET came into being in 1998 when some of Scotland’s local authorities identified a need for a professional network to support Gypsy/Traveller access to and experiences of education in Scotland. The network has developed into a formal forum supported and administered by STEP through Scottish Government funding.

In collaboration with STEP, TENET has been involved in consulting and informing Scottish policy development, particularly the guidance to accompany ‘named person’ aspects of The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and the development of the Scottish Government’s new national guidance ‘Improving educational outcomes for children and young people from travelling cultures‘.