0131 651 6444/ 07386656710 step@ed.ac.uk





STEP Knowledge Exchange Centre

Supporting equitable access to education for nomadic communities

STEP supports education leaders, teachers, and families to ensure that education is accessible, authentic and has the highest expectations for all children and young people from traditionally nomadic cultures in Scotland.

-The rights of child from the Traveller community-

The views and experiences of children and young people from travelling communities can tell us much about the barriers that exist within our education system. Hear what these young people have to say.

Article 28 Your right to an education
Article 2 Non-discrimination
Article 42 Knowledge of rights

STEP Digital Sacks

STEP has launched an exciting new programme ‘STEP Digital Sacks’. STEP Digital Sacks aims to support young people from nomadic communities with transitions into and beyond school by providing a physical and virtual digital starter kit to make digital learning a sustainable and accessible solution to flexible education. Find out more in our Digital Zone.


STEP Starter Sack home-play programme supports early learning for Gypsy/Traveller children and aims to make connections between the community and early learning centres. All families receive a series of ‘Sacks’, which contain learning activities to explore as a family. Activities come with QR codes that link to videos, making learning at home simple and fun. It reinforces play-based pedagogies and culturally-sustaining education for nomadic communities. Find more details by visiting the programme pages ‘For families’ and ‘For teachers’.

New cultural awareness resources

STEP has collated information and resources to help improve cultural awareness about nomadic communities. Teachers and practitioners can use the videos and digital resources as a rich addition to staff training. Access the resources here.


STEP events are free and accessible to all involved in the delivery of education for traditionally nomadic communities. Tap on each event to find out more or join a live session.

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