0131 651 6444/ 07386656710 step@ed.ac.uk


Training Opportunities

STEP can provide training which is empirically-informed and customised to fit your needs. We can offer a wide range of delivery options including full day workshops, twilight sessions and interactive online sessions.

STEP works in partnership with a range of stakeholders from the public and third sectors, and mobile communities, to ensure that training sessions reflect all aspects of the communities’ interests.

Training can be offered in a range of ways including:

  • Place-based sessions in your local area. These will be planned with you and customised to address local staff needs
  • Virtual twilight sessions based on the priority themes to emerge from the consultation. They will be based around interactive training presentations.  After a local authority member of staff/TENET member has completed training with STEP they will have access to the materials and will be able to train others in their area.
  • Participative programme support. We offer training to support staff who are involved in delivering STEP participative programmes.  The current programme is STEP Starter Sacks.

Please visit our calendar of events to see forthcoming training 



Themes explored through STEP training include:

  • Educational legislation and children’s rights: How do they relate to Gypsy/Traveller culture, traditions and contemporary mobile lives?
  • How can children experience belonging in school spaces? Reflecting on the relational, material and pedagogic.
  • How should your school and curriculum recognise mobile culture and promote equality and diversity?
  • How well does our school work towards eliminating discrimination, including bullying?
  • Engaging families in the life of the school: Voice, belonging and participatory approaches.
  • Using creative visual methods to facilitate meaningful dialogue and democratic participation.


Please get in touch to discuss your local area training requirements and secure dates for training workshops.