0131 651 6444/ 07386656710 step@ed.ac.uk


Promoting race equality and anti-racist education FOR School Leaders

All learners have a right to learn in an equitable environment where all cultures, identities and languages are recognised and valued and where the curriculum responds to the diverse needs of individual learners, reflecting the uniqueness of their communities.

Education Scotland, 2022

How do Gypsy/Travellers experience racism in schools?

The two sections below, ‘Shifting’ and ‘The bully and the loons’, show how young people from the Gypsy/Traveller community have experienced racism. Children and parents should know that nowadays Scottish education promotes zero tolerance for racism or discrimination in any form.  There is always help available to make sure that everyone feels safe in school.


Shifting is a graphic novel that depicts real bullying incidents experienced by young Gypsy/Travellers attending secondary schools in Scotland.  This thought-provoking story is incomplete and STEP has asked young people in schools throughout Scotland to think about how the story should end.  See the inspired and positive responses HERE.

the bully and the loons

This animation was created by a small group of Gypsy/Traveller young people working in Inverness. Think about how you would deal with thie situation. Do you think the boys did the right thing?

I am a young person who has felt bullied…

what can i do?

You can start by watching this video. Think about which approaches would make you feel better.

I am a parent with a child who has experienced discrimination…what can I do?

Many organisations offer support for families when a child experiences bullying or discrimination.  Start by looking at these resources. You can also visit the RespectMe site.

  • Video guidance for parents and other adults
  • Young Scot resource: How to report a hate crime

resources for schools

STEP also offers schools a range of training options to raise awareness of racism and discrimination against nomadic children and how to develop strategies for creating positive change.

See also Shifting learning resource for teachers.