0131 651 6444/ 07386656710 step@ed.ac.uk



The following are publications including academic papers, research reports and case studies produced by STEP.  Access to some of the documents will require an academic institution login or single purchase.

STEP learning app: case study

STEP (2022) STEP family learning app for iOS case study. Education Scotland, National Digital Landscape Discovery, Digital Scotland. Digital publication.

Gypsies, Roma, Travellers: Teachers making a difference

Finn, M. and Duncan, P. (2019) Gypsies, Roma, Travellers: Teachers making a difference. In R. Arshad, T. Wrigley and L. Pratt (eds) ‘Social Justice Re-examined: Dilemmas and solutions for the classroom teacher’, Ch. 13 pp. 173-182. Trentham Books, 2nd edition.

the imagined educational futures of mobile cultures

Duncan, P. and Finn, M. (2018) The imagined educational futures of mobile cultures through children and youth voices. In NEOS: Anthropology of Children and Youth, Volume 10, Issue 1.


The Roma multilingual app to support mobility and social change project, Research briefing, STEP 2017.

Mobile children, young people and technology

Mobile children, young people and technology: An exploratory study of mobile cultures’ use of digital technology and new media for living and learning, Report, STEP 2016.

mobile family literacy 

Mobile family literacy: Investigating family literacy programmes for mobile communities and their potential to meet the needs of mobile family settings, Report, STEP 2015.

educational transitions 

Educational transitions and mobility: A review of international transition models and insight from practitioners in Scotland to improve 0-18 transitions for Scottish travelling communities, Report, STEP 2016

Inclusive Education for interrupted learners

Padfield, P. and G. Cameron (2009). Inclusive Education for Children and Young People with Interrupted Learning in Scotland.  In P. A. Danaher, M. Kenny, R. Leder (eds.) Traveller, Nomadic and Migrant Education, New York, London, Routledge: 17, pp29-46.

education at the margins

Padfield, P. (2008). Education at the margins: Learners outside mainstream schooling. InT. G. K. Bryce and W. M. Humes (eds) Scottish Education: Beyond Devolution 3rd ed. Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press.

Education and Gypsies/Travellers

Lloyd, G. and G. McCluskey (2008). Education and Gypsies/Travellers:’contradictions and significant silences’. International Journal of Inclusive Education: 331–345.

Learning at a dIstance with ICT

Padfield, P. (2006). Learning at a distance supported by ICT for Gypsies and Travellers: Young peoples’ views. Edinburgh, SEED Sponsored Research: 55

Inclusive Educational Approaches for Gypsy/Traveller Pupils and their Families

Padfield, P. (2005). Inclusive Educational Approaches for Gypsy/Traveller Pupils and their Families: an ‘urgent need for progress’? Scottish Educational Review Nov: 127-144. 

partnership approaches: new futures for travellers

Jordan, E. (2002) Partnership approaches: new futures for Travellers, in J. Wearmouth, J. Soer and G. Reid (eds.) Addressing Difficulties in Literacy Development, Ch 8, RoutledgeFalmer, London.

Including Gypsy Travellers in education

Lloyd, G and Stead, J. (2002) Including Gypsy Travellers in education, Race Equality Teaching,21(1); pp 21-24.

School exclusion and Travellers

Jordan, E. (2001) Exclusion of Travellers in state schools, Educational Research, 43 (2); pp 117-132.

Interrupted learning: the traveller paradigm

Jordan, E. (2001). Interrupted Learning; the Traveller paradigm, British Journal of Learning Support, 16(3) pp 128-134.

Name calling and the experiences of Travellers in school

Lloyd, G and Stead, J. (2001). ‘The boys and girls not calling me names and the teachers to believe me’. Name calling and the experiences of Travellers in school, Children and Society, 15; pp 361-374.

exclusionary school systems: the experience of showground families in Scotland

Jordan, E. (2000) The exclusionary comprehensive school system; the experience of showground families in Scotland, in P.A. Danaher (ed.) Mapping International Diversity in Researching Traveller and Nomadic Education, International Journal of Educational Research, 33 (3) 253- 263