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Create a Comic Strip

Resource for use with learners



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About this resource

This resource is part of a series of creative activities, which have been developed with Gypsy/Traveller learners and educators in both school and out-of-school settings. The activity is centred on the production of graphic texts, which have shown to engage reluctant writers through oral and visual communication.

The graphic novel duo Metaphrog have produced a guide with templates to simplify creating a graphic story into 7 easy steps.

This approach is particularly relevant for learners with low literacy as it enables the development of creative and storytelling skills using multiple different text forms.

Having explored the elements which writers use in different genres, I can use what I learn to create my own stories with interesting structures, characters and settings.

Literacy 1.31a

How to use this resource

Use the Metaphrog guide to plan lessons. You can focus on characterisation, story settings or plots or integrate all aspects depending on your learners interests and abilities. Metaphrog suggest using word boxes to introduce writing.  Think about how to incorporate text into the story. The templates can be downloaded and used in lessons.

Alternatively, learners can create use a tablet such as an iPad. A range of apps are available such as Comic Life.  Make Beliefs Comix offers a range of ideas and approaches that can help designing learning.

You can ask learners to begin by watching this introduction to comics from BBC Bitesize.