STEP Digital Sacks programme can help young people in lots of different ways. A big part of school, learning and education more generally is digital technology. We know that not everyone has digital technology at home. STEP Digital Sacks gives you the tools to help you learn at home, doing homework, study while travelling, build new digital skills, and help on your journey to school and beyond. The tablet device is a lot bigger than a phone so it means the screen is great for viewing documents and you can spend a lot longer doing work like researching or completing assignments from your teacher. You get some earbuds so you can watch videos or lessons even if other people are around. You get a wireless keyboard and a smart stylus pen that can make writing and interacting with your tablet much easier.
We also have a virtual toolkit on our website to support your learning using the Digital Sacks. Check out our Padlets which show you apps and information to help with digital learning, study skills, organising and planning learning, staying safe online and lots more.