Join us on 20th Feb (in-person or online) to explore the notion of the postdigital classroom with Professor Petar Jandrić, Dr David Overend, Dr Jack Reed, Dr Maureen Finn and Dr James Lamb @UoE_EFI @MorayHouse
Great news! The STEP Learning App will be featured as a case study showing a great example of a user-centred digital education tool. The app was developed before the Covid pandemic – little did we know how invaluable it would become to nomadic families and...
Education Scotland has published a new guide for Remote Learning. The advice sets out shared understanding and expectations of what remote learning means for schools and settings across Scotland. Read or download here ...
A free course offered by Microsoft Education Centre on the best strategies for remote, hybrid and blended learning. This self-led online course helps you explore how to take the best of the tools and techniques from pandemic learning and create sustainable practices...
Every Wednesday at 4pm, CALL Scotland are delivering 20min webinars on a range of useful digital technology topics. This is a valuable opportunity for relevant, practical professional learning in inclusive digital technologies that could benefit your the children and...