0131 651 6444/ 07386656710 step@ed.ac.uk
Be part of Scottish Digital Literacy Week 2022!

Be part of Scottish Digital Literacy Week 2022!

Scottish Digital Literacy week is commencing on the 3rd of October 2022. Join Digilearn Scot for a week of exciting interactive live digital literacy lessons. The lessons and activities are based on the Digilearn Scot digital literacy support for 22/23. DigitalLearn...
CALL Scotland webinars: Inclusive digital technologies

CALL Scotland webinars: Inclusive digital technologies

Every Wednesday at 4pm, CALL Scotland are delivering 20min webinars on a range of useful digital technology topics.  This is a valuable opportunity for relevant, practical professional learning in inclusive digital technologies that could benefit your the children and...
Charitable young Scottish Traveller featured in Barrie News

Charitable young Scottish Traveller featured in Barrie News

A young Scottish Traveller, currently a P7 pupil at St Frances Primary School, has been working with STEP and his teachers to create a flexible learning timetable that matches up with his interests. As part of the programme he raised money for children in need through...