Community Voices The bully and the loons Produced by Traveller pupils, this animation shares Chloe and Lee’s experiences of racism and discrimination at...
Community Voices Information leaflet created by a young Traveller Read all about Traveller culture from the perspective of a young person. In this information leaflet Christina Alexis Stewart says she wants to challenge the stereotypes associated with being a...
Community Voices Young voices Produced with young people from different travelling backgrounds, these series of videos offer a unique personal insight into mobile cultures, lifestyles from the viewpoint of young Travellers. Hear what these young people have to say...
Community Voices Young voices Produced with young people from different travelling backgrounds, these series of videos offer a unique personal insight into mobile cultures, lifestyles from the viewpoint of young Travellers. Hear what these young people have to say...
Community Voices A film created by Roma families about starting school in Glasgow This film was created in collaboration with Roma families and local Primary schools in Glasgow, Scotland. Hear first hand accounts of the these families’ views on the education of...