STEP Starter Sacks have now been distributed to 8 Scottish local authorities – Aberdeenshire, Angus, Dundee, Moray, Fife, Falkirk, Argyll and Bute, and Perth and Kinross Council. The sacks have been well received by families with some local authorities reporting increased uptake of nursery places from community members.
Phase two of the STEP Starter Sack Home-Play programme for is now underway. The wee yellow starter sack science edition are available for any Gypsy/Traveller families in Scotland with young children. Local authorities and ELC settings please get in touch with STEP to request your Starter Sacks for local distribution.
Find more information, learning activities and programme support material our programme webpages.
Watch the ‘What’s in the wee yellow sack’ video below for a sneak peak of our new science Starter Sacks!