0131 651 6444/ 07386656710 step@ed.ac.uk
How will the Digital Sack help me?

How will the Digital Sack help me?

STEP Digital Sacks programme can help young people in lots of different ways. A big part of school, learning and education more generally is digital technology. We know that not everyone has digital technology at home.  STEP Digital Sacks gives you the tools to help...
CALL Scotland webinars: Inclusive digital technologies

CALL Scotland webinars: Inclusive digital technologies

Every Wednesday at 4pm, CALL Scotland are delivering 20min webinars on a range of useful digital technology topics.  This is a valuable opportunity for relevant, practical professional learning in inclusive digital technologies that could benefit your the children and...
Digital Families Programme & Professional Learning Community

Digital Families Programme & Professional Learning Community

The STEP Digital Families programme supports teachers and Traveller families to use digital media for learning and acts as a useful ‘bridge’ to facilitate families with poor engagement return to local authority services. Each participating family receives a Digital...