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About journeys and nomadism

I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Some people lead nomadic lives meaning they travel from place to place most of the time. Many say that it is in their blood. Often, they will be looking for work or following a family tradition. The definition of journey is the act of travelling from one place to another.  Most people go on journeys to see family, for holidays or for work.  Do you travel because you enjoy the journey, because you need to get somewhere or a bit of both?

The joy of a journey can come from the mode of transport, the surroundings or the people you share the journey with.  Sometimes it is not the most expensive or most exotic journeys that bring pleasure but the ones that are familiar and part of your family tradition.  Think about the kinds of journeys that bring most pleasure. What makes them stand out?



Travelling communities

Many families in Scotland such as Gypsy Travellers, European Roma and Scottish Showpeople follow a travelling pattern. Traditionally, Scottish Travellers would have ‘shifted’ from place to place to find work or to visit family. European Roma may only stay in a country for a period of time before moving to another country.  Many travelling communities are more settled in one place nowadays but they still believe strongly in making journeys as part of a nomadic way of life.

Often, the best way to find out about the journeys your family make is to ask your parents or grandparents.  Find out about the differences between the journeys they made in that past and the journeys they make nowadays.  What kinds of places did they visit and why did they visit those places?  It could be that they are following journeys their ancestors made before them. When do you travel now?   Does your family still visit the places that your grandparents visited?  How has your travelling pattern changed?   

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