0131 651 6444/ 07386656710 step@ed.ac.uk

For teachers

Background to the exhibition 

The aim of the ‘My Journey’ art challenge and exhibition is to promote community cohesion and raise awareness of positive aspects of Gypsy and Traveller lives and culture.  The idea of journeys is familiar to children and young people from both settled and nomadic communities.  By exploring different values and experiences associated with journeys young people will have opportunities to have conversations about different cultures and attitudes. 

For teachers with classes that include learners from nomadic communities the aim is that learners will work together on the theme destigmatising any discriminatory beliefs and values that may pre-exist.  The ideal is to take a whole class approach, allowing Gypsy/Traveller children space to take pride in sharing their stories and experiences with others.  Teachers should be sensitive to the individual Gypsy/Traveller children ensuring that they feel safe and confident in sharing their ideas and experiences.  Teachers should also be sensitive to any pre-existing negative or discriminatory attitudes from settled children and take steps to mitigate against any  negative behaviour or comments. 


The theme 

Use the video introduction to prompt discussions about journeys and to introduce the idea that some communities build their lives around travelling.  See also the background to ‘journeys’ here.

There is no right approach to the challenge.  Please try to integrate the creation of journeys artworks with any area of your curriculum planning.  The following table provides some prompt ideas for Early to Second Levels of Curriculum for Excellence.

Please also find ideas and inspiration on the young person’s pages.

How to take part in the art challenge

It’s easy to take part. Take at least two photos of the artwork using a camera, a tablet or mobile phone.

If the work is 3D take at least 3 photos from different angles.

If the work is digital send the image or video file. 

Label the files with the child’s name.

Email or direct message (DM) STEP with the image files, name, age and a contact email or mobile number so that we can contact you.

Please note that by submitting the artwork, the child and family are agreeing to the work being displayed on the STEP website and social media channels. Images can be shared and displayed either with the child’s name or anonymously. Please state with submission details whether you do not want the child’s name displayed. 


My Journey theme

For young people

Challenge information

Art Challenge '23

Home page