Introduction to stop motion animation
Resources to use with learnersAbout learning and animation
Animation can be motivating for learners and their families. It offers alternative ways for learners of all ages to create their own texts regardless of their literacy abilities. Using visual languages they can explore and communicate their own narratives and those of others. The animation process offers a stimulating environment to develop a range of skills for learning, life and work, particularly creative skills such as: curiosity, open-mindedness, imagination and problem solving as well as a range of social skills such as working together.
STEP has collaborated with Animation Jam to produce a series of introductory videos to make animation easy whether at home or in other learning centres. The resources were inspired by the work of Gypsy/Traveller pupils from STEP’s national animation projects. For inspiration the pupils drew heavily on their own lives and interests as well as the outdoor environment.
How to use animation for learning
A simple video introducing the world of animation
This introductory video was designed to inspire and educate teachers, families and young people on how animation can be used as a tool for learning.
Simple animations can be done using an iPad or a smart phone. There are many apps available including Stop Motion Studio.
If you are inspired by this video then visit our other animation resources including creating artwork and animating in 2D (such as bringing your drawings to life, how to animate 3D using things like plasticine or Lego, and how to blend animation and outdoor learning.
How to use this resource
These videos can be used in different ways with learners or their families. Teachers can either share them as part of a family learning session or families can be directed to watch them at home alone.
This videos can be stopped at various points to find out what type of subject matter inspires learners and how much they understand about the animation processes by asking:
- How did the animator make this happen?
- How could you do something similar?
- What would feature in your own animation?
A guide to animation video series
For more resources, visit STEP’s guide on using animation to support literacy and storytelling with young Travellers. Inspired by the Traveller pupils’ animated films created during STEP’s digital arts projects, we developed a series of support materials including video guides, templates and useful links for young people, families and educators interested in learning through animation. Please get in touch with STEP if you’d like to take part in any of our digital projects.